Tuesday 8 August 2017

Why Is Reading Better Than Watching Movies?

Well the avid readers already know the answer to this question! With the advent of eBooks and sites like Loadity, novels can be read at the flick of a finger. From action to romance, there are a host of options to choose from when it comes to eBooks.

With reading made so easy, there are still many people out there who watch movies that are adapted from novels. They spend a whole lot of money to go out and watch the movie, when they can simply read the book.

If you are still not convinced, read on and find 4 reasons why reading is better than watching movies.

Time limit:

A movie has a fixed run time. And in these 1.5 to 3 hours, they have to cram the whole story on screen. This condensation of books into movies results in deletion of certain parts of the book.

It looses the feel in translation:

Without the writer of the book to assist them, the filmmakers tend to add their own spin to the movie. They interpret the story according to their perception and present it that way. This takes away the original charm and feel of the book.

The book tells a story:

The movie focuses on being visually spectacular. On the other hand, the book concentrates on unfolding the plot and depicting the story.


When you read a book there is scope for imagination. You can create the images in your head. But with a movie there is no scope for imagination.

If you do not want to read a printed book, you can always read eBooks from online platforms like Loadity.


  1. I agree to the point that reading develops your imagination power. Reading is the best way of self learning and also helpful in stress reduction.

  2. I must say that this blog is really good and i totally agree to the same. Watching books can never make you as sharp and intelligent as a book can. Reading Knowledge based books is best way for frequent brain development.

  3. Reading books has lots and lots of benefits. It can be a best supplement for stress reduction as well as knowledge increment.
